
May 2, 2011

2 silver medals!! Grand Master Kim's 7th annual tournament-Tae Kwon Do

I WON two silver second place medals at the Tae Kwon Do tournament this Saturday. This is a big accomplishment for me! I participated in form and wood breaking (with hands and feet!) As my son says- if you had ever told me my mother would be doing this sport I would never have believed you! I was terrified of performing, but faced the fear and told myself over and over-just do it. "Dont ask what happen if it doesnt work-instead ask what would happen if I never tried?" whew-glad its over, was a great day.


  1. I am so proud of you! Way to kick some wooden objects!

  2. Are you going to do a Tae Kwon Do kitty?

  3. Huge Congratulations Sharon. Well done for all the hard work you have put into learning Tae Kwon Do, and for grasping your fear of performing, and going for it. What an inspiration you are.
